Start here

If it’s your first time here, we know all of the information can be overwhelming.

So we created this page with some of the most helpful resources to get you started.

Who are we and how can this website help you?

We’re (Michael and Peter) the authors of this site.

We’re both current practising lawyers and we use our combined experience (almost 30 years) representing injured workers in Victoria to publish practical articles and other content. We run an independent law firm not affiliated with WorkCover.

You can read more about us here.

Please keep in mind that the information contained on this page should not be considered legal advice and no content on this site should replace the need to obtain advice tailored to the specific facts of your case. The facts of a case can significantly alter the advice that can provided. This site only provides general advice. You can read more here.

If you require legal advice applicable to your situation, you can contact us through our firm.

Here are some helpful resources to get you started:

  • If you haven’t lodged a WorkCover claim and are wondering whether you should, this guide should assist, along with this one.
  • This article explains the time limits relating to claim lodgement and reporting requirements.
  • This article explains what qualifies as a work related injury, illness or condition.
  • Read this page if you want to know when you can make a claim.
  • Here’s a copy of a WorkCover claim form if you need one.
  • If you’ve decided to lodge a claim and want to know how to lodge one, this guide should help you
  • If you’d like to see a flowchart of the WorkCover process, you can see that here.
  • Unsure about returning to work after an injury? This article should assist.
  • This article explains how weekly payments work. 
  • This one explains when your payments can be terminated by WorkCover and what you can do about it.
  • This page explains what you should know about certificates of capacity.
  • This article explains how medical and like expenses works, and gives an overview as to what you can claim and how you can go about claiming.
  • If you’re looking for WorkCover forms, you can visit this page.
  • If you want to know how stress leave and claims work, this page is the one you want.
  • This page explains the impairment lump sum claim process. If you want to get an idea as to what your impairment claim may be worth, you can visit this page.
  • This page will give you an idea as to compensation amounts payable.
  • Common law claims can be quite involved. This page should help you understand the process better.

If you want to reach out to us:

If you want to reach out to us for WorkCover legal advice or enquire about no win no fee legal representation from us, you can contact us through our law firm.

We’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

If your enquiry is urgent, please ensure to let us know when you contact us so we can prioritise your issue.

Best regards,

Michael  &  Peter – Founders of the Work Injury Site

The Work Injury Site is Victoria’s most comprehensive website providing WorkCover information specifically for injured Victorian workers.