WorkCover entitlements (Vic) In Victoria, there are four main WorkCover entitlements. These are: Medical and like expenses Weekly payments Impairment benefit Common law claim Below we summarize all of the four major WorkCover entitlements. You can also look at this...
WorkCover information for injured workers in Victoria
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Gym swim programs and WorkCover
Gym swim programs and WorkCover If you have suffered an injury related to your employment and you have lodged and had accepted a WorkCover claim, the WorkCover insurer may pay for a gym/swim program for you. In order to have the insurer pay for a gym or swim program,...
What happens if an IME doctor disagrees with my doctor?
A WorkCover IME doctor disagrees with my doctor There are a number of instances during your WorkCover matter in Victoria where an independent medical examiner (IME) might disagree with your own treating doctor. Here are some of the most common: In relation to your...