Working while on WorkCover (Vic) Many people believe that if you have a WorkCover claim, you are not able to work. And that if you do work while on WorkCover, your claim is finalised. This is not correct. You are able to work while on WorkCover, whether that be in the...
WorkCover information for injured workers in Victoria
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How do I make a claim for loss of earnings?
How do I make a claim for loss of earnings? (Vic) If you have been injured at work, it is possible to claim for your loss of earnings. Generally speaking, there are two ways that the WorkCover system can compensate you for your loss of earnings. This article will...
How long after a work related accident can you sue?
How long after a work related accident can you sue? (Vic) Let’s start with this – you can make a claim for WorkCover compensation (medical expenses and weekly payments) as soon as you're injured. Now if we move on to lump sums, the timing of when you can “sue” becomes...
WorkCover make up pay – how does it work?
WorkCover make up pay - how it works As you may have read on other articles on our website, WorkCover weekly payments are not paid at 100% of your pre-injury average weekly earnings. Weekly payments commence at 95% of your pre injury earnings and later on drop down to...
All about economic loss in WorkCover matters
Economic loss and compensation for loss of incomeIf a person suffers an injury at work and their ability to work is impacted, under the WorkCover scheme there are two ways that they can be compensated for their loss of income. The first is by the payment of weekly...
Workers compensation case study
Workers compensation case study (Vic)This case study is designed to give you an idea as to how a workers compensation claim in Victoria could progress. Keep in mind that the case study is an example for illustrative purposes. Every case has its own unique set of...
How long does a WorkCover claim take?
How long does a WorkCover claim take? In order to answer this question properly, we need to look at the different parts that make up a WorkCover claim. The first thing we need to look at is how long it takes for a WorkCover claim to be processed after it has been...
WorkCover payout examples
WorkCover payout examples (Vic) Below are some WorkCover payout examples. You can use these examples to get an idea as to what you may be entitled to. Keep in mind that the WorkCover payout examples below are just that - they're examples for illustrative purposes....
All about duty of care
All about duty of care in Victoria.Duty of care meaning A duty of care is a legal obligation to avoid doing something or failing to do something, that could possibly lead to the harm of another person. It’s a legal obligation that we all have to take reasonable steps...