The WorkSafe Clinical Panel The WorkSafe Clinical Panel is a group of medical practitioners and other health professionals who undertake clinical reviews and provide clinical and rehabilitation support and advice to WorkSafe staff, insurance companies (EML, Allianz,...
WorkCover information for injured workers in Victoria
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WorkCover dental treatment
WorkCover dental treatment In some instances, WorkCover will cover the cost of dental treatment needed by a person – provided that the dental treatment is related to a work related injury, illness or condition. There are, however, some key things that a person wishing...
Does WorkCover cover ambulance expenses?
Does WorkCover cover ambulance expenses? Yes, WorkCover will in most instances cover the cost of ambulance expenses. This is provided that you have an accepted WorkCover claim, and that the ambulance expenses relate to your work related injury, illness or condition....
Injury at work compensation
Injury at work compensation - what can you claim? If you suffer an injury at work or over the course of your employment in Victoria, there are several options open to you should you wish to pursue compensation. The main option open to people is to pursue a WorkCover...
Gym swim programs and WorkCover
Gym swim programs and WorkCover If you have suffered an injury related to your employment and you have lodged and had accepted a WorkCover claim, the WorkCover insurer may pay for a gym/swim program for you. In order to have the insurer pay for a gym or swim program,...
All about WorkCover home help
All about WorkCover home help If you have an accepted WorkCover claim, it’s possible that the WorkCover insurer will pay for help around the home if required. When will the WorkCover insurer pay for home help? The WorkCover insurer will pay for home help services if...
I hurt my back at work what should I do?
I hurt my back at work what should I do? Work related back injuries are very common. In Victoria, recent WorkSafe Victoria data shows that around 15% of all injuries suffered at work are to the back. Here are your options if you suffer a back injury at work. Get...
Does WorkCover pay for doctors?
Will WorkCover pay for doctors? Yes, if you have an accepted WorkCover claim, you’re entitled to be paid for the costs of reasonable medical and like expenses. Part of this includes having your doctors bills paid for. WorkCover will pay for doctors bills that they...
Examples of WorkCover claims rejected
Examples of WorkCover claims rejected This page will look at a number of examples of WorkCover claims being rejected. WorkCover claims can be rejected for a number of reasons. Many of the common reasons are listed in the examples below. Keep in mind that it's common...
Does WorkCover pay for surgery?
Does WorkCover pay for surgery? Yes, in many instances, WorkCover will pay for surgery, provided that surgery relates to your work related injury. Before you have the surgery, you will need to obtain written approval from the WorkCover insurer. They may wish to have...