How long does a certificate of capacity last? In most instances under the WorkCover system, a certificate of capacity will run for 28 days. The initial WorkCover certificate should run for 14 days. In a limited number of instances, certificates can run for three...
WorkCover information for injured workers in Victoria
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When do you need a certificate of capacity?
When do you need a certificate of capacity? You need a certificate of capacity when you want to claim weekly payments from the WorkCover insurer. Certificates only required when claiming weekly payments Certificates of capacity are only required if you want to claim...
WorkCover first certificate of capacity
WorkCover and the first certificate of capacity The first WorkCover certificate of capacity that a person obtains in relation to their WorkCover claim must not exceed 14 days (in most cases) and must be issued by a medical practitioner. This page will look into first...
The role of your GP in a WorkCover claim
The role of a GP in your WorkCover claim It’s likely that your GP will play an important role in your WorkCover matter if you have been obtaining treatment from them for your work related injury, illness or condition. Unfortunately, the role of a GP in the Victorian...
Can WorkCover certificates be backdated?
Can WorkCover certificates be backdated? WorkCover certificates can in some instances be backdated. However, the legislation limits backdating of a WorkCover certificate to no more than 90 days. This page will explore the issue of backdating WorkCover certificates...
If I get injured at work do I get paid?
If I get injured at work do I get paid? If you get injured at work, and that injury is in some way related to your employment, then it is possible to be paid compensation for some of your lost earnings if your ability to work is impacted. In order to be compensated,...
What is a WorkCover certificate?
What is a WorkCover certificate? A WorkCover certificate is usually called a certificate of capacity or a work capacity certificate. It is a certificate that is specifically used in WorkCover matters, and is different to a normal medical certificate that you might get...
Can you take holidays while on WorkCover?
Can you take holidays while on WorkCover? Yes, despite what many people believe, you can take holidays while on WorkCover. Just because you’re on WorkCover or in receipt of payments, does not mean you are not allowed to travel anywhere. Although you are allowed to...