WorkCover assist: who are they and how can they help you? WorkCover assist is a no cost service that is provided by WorkSafe (WorkCover) Victoria. As an injured worker, you can choose to engage a member of WorkCover assist to help you with your WorkCover Conciliation...
WorkCover information for injured workers in Victoria
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What is a genuine dispute certificate?
What is a genuine dispute certificate? A Genuine Dispute Certificate is a document that certifies that a matter has gone to conciliation but could not resolve by way of the conciliation process. The certificate confirms that the conciliator believes that both parties...
What you need to know about conciliation
WorkCover conciliation outcomes in Victoria: There's a number of possible outcomes following a WorkCover conciliation. Before going into detail about what they are (they're covered later on in this article), lets take a step back and talk about the conciliation...