I think a WorkCover claim has been lodged but I haven’t seen it
If you have not seen or signed a WorkCover claim form, then it is highly likely that you do not have an accepted work cover claim.
The WorkCover claim form requires the injured worker to sign the form except in extraordinary circumstances (e.g. catastrophic injury that means you couldn’t sign the form, like being in a coma). It’s possible you may have completed an incident report and at the time misunderstood what you were signing.
Unless you or in the first couple of weeks after potentially lodging a claim, if you haven’t heard from a WorkCover insurer, then you probably haven’t lodged a claim.
If you’re unsure whether you have lodged a claim, it’s really important that that you find out. There’s a number of ways you can do this including contacting the WorkSafe Advisory service (1800 136 089) or speaking to a lawyer or to your employer. We’d suggest that checking with your employer is your option of last resort as you may not get a straight answer from them.
There are time limits in which you have to lodge your claim. Further, if there is a delay it may prevent you from getting the treatment you need, or the income benefits you need in a timely manner.
Indications that you have a claim lodged (though not necessarily accepted) are:
1. You have received a phone call or letter from Allianz, CGU, EML, Gallagher Bassett or Xchanging. These are the current WorkCover authorised insurers.
2. You’ve received a phone call from a private investigator about the claim – investigators are often engaged by the insurer, particularly for stress claims.
3. You have to attend an “IME” – a medical examination arranged by the insurer.
If you’re looking for a copy of the WorkCover claim form, you can get a copy here.