WorkCover and multiple jobs Can you work another job while receiving WorkCover compensation? Not your original job - the job related to which your injury relates. But another, alternative job. Say, for example, that you aren't able to do your primary job but you could...
WorkCover information for injured workers in Victoria
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Working while on WorkCover
Working while on WorkCover (Vic) Many people believe that if you have a WorkCover claim, you are not able to work. And that if you do work while on WorkCover, your claim is finalised. This is not correct. You are able to work while on WorkCover, whether that be in the...
Can you work while on WorkCover?
Can you work while on WorkCover? Working while you're on WorkCover is something that many people seem to wonder about. The answer, however is: yes, just because you’re on WorkCover that does not mean you can't work. However, you need to ensure you’re following the...